
The Last Lecture

Some of the greatest advice I have gotten is from my dad, who is an entrepreneur. He owns a shutters and blinds company that has been in business for almost 20 years. He said to not put all your eggs in one basket and depend on just one company. He learned that the hard way, so now he gets leads from Home Depot, Lowes, and advertises through the home advisor website. He also said to go in with your eyes wide open and be careful, because in this industry, a simple measuring mistake could cause you problems and cost you a lot of money. Being an entrepreneur is a big time commitment, and in the end can be more time consuming than a 9-5 job. He said it’s important to get into a system and be in front of problems so you don’t have to react to them in the first place.                 Some choices only come around once, Life doesn't turn out exactly how you plan it, so I think you should live life to the fullest, or...

Week 13

I really like what Stan Christensen said in the video I watched! He said that picking your first job out of school really isn't as big of a deal as people think it is. This brought comfort to me because I only have one more semester left and then I will be working in the real world! I am constantly thinking about my life plan and what I want to be doing, when really, I should just take it day by day and do something I will enjoy. I also liked reading about Randy Haykin and his success story, that is inspiring and motivating to me.

Week 12

I learned a lot of things from the book we read,  A Field Guide for the Hero’s Journey.   It is important to set ethical guardrails. To do this, consider someone you admire and respect, and ask yourself the following questions, “How did they stand firm when they might have fallen? What lines would they refuse to cross? How have they remained people of integrity?” I like how Sandefer stated that these guardrails act just like the ones on a highway; once firmly established, they protect us from danger when life is racing along.  It’s important to know that you are not alone and you can ask others for help. Make sure to keep God part of your journey and let Him help you. Take a break when you need it and keep your head up. You are probably doing better than you think you are, and you can do great things. If you do these things, you will become a hero that people are proud of.

Week 11

My favorite reading from this week was "Formula for Success" by Thomas S. Monson. He mentioned three steps in the formula for success: Fill your mind with truth, fill your life with service, and fill your heart with love. Time is precious, and we cannot afford to waste our time searching. It's also important to fill your life with service, because service makes you happy and lifts others' burdens. Everyone wins with service! He talked about a baseball player named Hank Aaron, who wanted to quit school so he could work and play baseball. His father would not let him, because he wanted him to have what he never did. I feel like we can't do these two steps if our hearts aren't full of love. When your heart is full of love, life is easier to enjoy and you will be happier.

Week 9

This week's topic was disciple leadership. I especially liked the article by President Kim B. Clark, titled "Leadership with a small L". The three principles were lead by example, lead with vision, and lead with love. I feel like these things help explain the purpose of leadership; to make something stronger instead of one person being bossy. It's important that we remember the last part, lead with love. No one likes to be bossed around or treated like they are incapable, so it's important that we treat everyone with respect and kindness.

Week 7

This was another great week! I liked reading about all the 7 habits of highly effective people, but my favorite one is the first one: Be Proactive. I feel like that one is the foundation for the rest of the habits. You can't really do the other habits such as put first things first, begin with the end in mind, or synergize without being proactive. Being proactive is a good feeling because you get things done without having to be told and it makes you feel accomplished. The 7 Habits is a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their lifestyle!

Week 6

I really like how Elder Tanner compared self-mastery to sails on a ship. He explained that there are two elements. The first is to determine the course or set the sails, and the second is willpower, or the wind carrying you forward. People often accuse us of being narrow minded for following the straight and narrow path, but that's not true. It takes dedication. This was a great week!