
Showing posts from May, 2018

Week 5

I really liked the article about the Warm Fuzz Cards this week! It talked about a woman who created handmade cards and her entrepreneurial journey. I admired her because she thought through each option and weighed the pros and cons before diving in. She was trying to decide if she should take the slower growth route on her own (but she was doing well), or hiring more help for faster growth. I think the faster growth option isn't always better, so I thought she should just take her time! It was a great week!

Entrepreneurial Journal #4

I really liked the reading titled, Little Things Are Important  by Joseph B. Wirthlin. I agree that the little things in life really are the most important! He explains that we should not manage time, but manage ourselves with the time we have. I think that's a really good way to look at it! We should spend most of our time being productive rather than being idle.

Week 3

This week we read about Magdalena Yesil and she became successful in several different careers. What made her so successful was her passion for lifelong learning and her motivation to always try her best and never give up. She is an amazing woman!

Entrepreneurial Journal Week 2

One of the articles I read this week was titled, Stars and Steppingstones . I like how it said that some choices only come around once. It's true! Sometimes I see someone I know and think about saying hi and talking to them, but then don't, and later I think about what could've happened if I did stop. My favorite quote from the reading was "it would be a shame to wander aimlessly through a journey we will all take only once." Life doesn't turn out exactly how you plan it, so I think you should live life to the fullest, or in other words, "YOLO." That's why I liked creating a bucket list this week! It was fun to think about what I want to accomplish in this life, even if it's something simple or silly. Don't waste too much time thinking about things, or worrying about what others think, you do you!