
Showing posts from June, 2018

Week 9

This week's topic was disciple leadership. I especially liked the article by President Kim B. Clark, titled "Leadership with a small L". The three principles were lead by example, lead with vision, and lead with love. I feel like these things help explain the purpose of leadership; to make something stronger instead of one person being bossy. It's important that we remember the last part, lead with love. No one likes to be bossed around or treated like they are incapable, so it's important that we treat everyone with respect and kindness.

Week 7

This was another great week! I liked reading about all the 7 habits of highly effective people, but my favorite one is the first one: Be Proactive. I feel like that one is the foundation for the rest of the habits. You can't really do the other habits such as put first things first, begin with the end in mind, or synergize without being proactive. Being proactive is a good feeling because you get things done without having to be told and it makes you feel accomplished. The 7 Habits is a great resource for anyone who wants to improve their lifestyle!

Week 6

I really like how Elder Tanner compared self-mastery to sails on a ship. He explained that there are two elements. The first is to determine the course or set the sails, and the second is willpower, or the wind carrying you forward. People often accuse us of being narrow minded for following the straight and narrow path, but that's not true. It takes dedication. This was a great week!